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James Madison High School Blog

Giving You the Freedom & Flexibility to Learn

Earn your high school diploma on your own terms and take control of your future. Explore our blog to get an inside look at educational insights, industry hot topics, tips and tricks to help you succeed, and some of our most exciting student and school successes!

5 Effective Study Skills for High School Online Learning Success

Written by Des Sinkevich on Thursday, 09 November 2023. Posted in Helpful Tips

5 Effective Study Skills for High School Online Learning Success

Whether you’re enrolled in a traditional high school or an online high school, there are some universal study skills that can help you make the most of your classes. Here are the top study skills that can help you prepare for exams and remember what you learned!

The Ultimate Guide to Applying to College After High School

Written by Lauren Ambrosio on Thursday, 05 October 2023. Posted in College Bound

Graduation cap, diploma with ribbon, computer mouse, and keyboard.

The decision to attend college once you graduate from high school can be a tough one–should you start working right away and delay school or dive right into higher education? Is a two- or four-year degree better for the job you want? Or should you pursue a skilled trade license and skip college altogether?

30 Useful Study Apps & Websites for High School Students (Free and Paid)

Written by Lauren Ambrosio on Friday, 08 September 2023. Posted in Helpful Tips

Three high school students, each holding a smart phone in their hands.

Juggling your assignments, extracurricular activities, friends, and self-care becomes more difficult once you enter high school. You have so much to keep track of, so why not use every tool at your disposal? You're already spending time on your phone, so let's make those minutes count. From nailing that tough math problem to managing your ever-so-busy schedule, and even to filling those idle moments with something other than doom scrolling—there's an app for that. Keep reading as we dive into 30 apps and websites that can turn your phone from a distraction into the ultimate study buddy.

How to Transfer to Online High School: A Comprehensive Guide for Parents

Written by Lauren Ambrosio on Wednesday, 19 July 2023. Posted in For Parents

Teen playing on ukelele in background with laptop and desk in the foreground.

Has your child been talking about transferring to online high school? Do you have questions about how remote learning would work for your family? Are you curious if it’s a good fit for your teen? Get your questions answered and more in this guide on what online high school really involves, the enrollment process, and what a typical day might look like for your student. Whether you have a budding athlete with a demanding training schedule or a creative spirit who needs a more flexible learning environment, online high school could be the key. But, signing up your child in an online school isn’t the same as an in-person, traditional institution. So let’s get started and get your teen enrolled!

Parents, Here’s Why a Nontraditional Education May Be Right for Your Child

Written by Nicole Dalbo on Friday, 05 May 2023. Posted in College Bound, For Parents

Excited mother and her daughter lean on a table full of snacks and look at a laptop screen.

As a parent, it’s likely that your experience with high school followed the traditional path. However, in today’s modern world there are more options to finish high school than before to fit the needs of different learners. A self-paced, online education can give your kids ownership in their learning in ways that a traditional education cannot. If you’re curious about a modern alternative to traditional learning, here’s why a nontraditional education may be the right path for your child.

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