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James Madison High School Blog

Giving You the Freedom & Flexibility to Learn

Earn your high school diploma on your own terms and take control of your future. Explore our blog to get an inside look at educational insights, industry hot topics, tips and tricks to help you succeed, and some of our most exciting student and school successes!

Can You Repeat High School

Written by Nicole Dalbo on Friday, 06 January 2023. Posted in Helpful Tips

Teenage girl looking at notebook

Not passing your classes, and wondering what you can do about it? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. There are students all over that are trying to make up their high school classes for one reason or another. Whether it was due to medical leave, absences, non-passing grades, or something else entirely, know that there are options out there for you to get back on track. Whether you’re earning a high school diploma as an adult student or a student of traditional age, discover your options for repeating high school, recovering credits, and everything in between.

A Guide to Online School for Your Child

Written by Nicole Dalbo on Friday, 06 January 2023. Posted in Helpful Tips

Father and mother looking at a laptop with their daughter

As a parent, chances are you haven’t had much personal experience with online high school and don’t really know what to expect when it comes to what your child will go through. Don’t worry! We’ve assembled this useful guide with some of our most frequently asked questions to help you and your child gain a solid understanding of how to do online school well and earn their online high school diploma. Get ready to have your questions answered and learn everything you and your child will need to know about getting started with James Madison High School.

How to Transfer High School Credits to JMHS

Written by James Madison High School on Thursday, 05 January 2023. Posted in Traditional Students

Girl holding book over face.

If you’ve completed some high school courses but think a flexible online high school program is the right fit for you to earn your diploma, you may be concerned about having to start fresh and retake classes you’ve already passed. With your official transcripts from your previous school in hand, however, you can potentially pick up right where you left off. Transferring your credits to James Madison can help you take the next step toward graduation and your future. Here’s how to get started.

High School Education with No Age Limit

Written by Nicole Krempasky on Wednesday, 04 January 2023. Posted in Adult Learner, Helpful Tips

Blonde woman outside smiling at camera.

There are many reasons why you may not have finished high school, but that doesn’t mean any of them need to hold you back. At James Madison High School, your age doesn’t matter. You can start and finish a high school program as an adult learner. Keep reading to learn more.

Is a JMHS Diploma Accepted at All Colleges?

Written by Nicole Krempasky on Wednesday, 04 January 2023. Posted in College Bound, Helpful Tips

Female in Cap and Gown

A big part of planning for your future involves knowing what you want to do after high school. If you have your sights set on continuing your education and going on to college, you might be wondering what colleges and universities accept online high school diploma from James Madison High School. Keep reading to find out where your JMHS diploma can take you.

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