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James Madison High School Blog

Giving You the Freedom & Flexibility to Learn

Earn your high school diploma on your own terms and take control of your future. Explore our blog to get an inside look at educational insights, industry hot topics, tips and tricks to help you succeed, and some of our most exciting student and school successes!

How to Get Your High School Diploma Online: The Ultimate Guide for Teens 

Written by Nicole Dalbo on Wednesday, 18 January 2023. Posted in College Bound, Helpful Tips

Smiling teenage girl holding a tablet while outside.

Curious about online high school? Have some questions about the experience, how to transfer in, and what comes after? Begin the path of owning your education and discover the answers for yourself in JMHS’s Ultimate High School Guide for Teens. You’ll learn everything about your online high school from a typical JMHS schedule to making friends in online high school, and more!

Is a High School Diploma Important? (A Realistic Look)

Written by Nicole Dalbo on Friday, 06 January 2023. Posted in Helpful Tips

An out of focus woman holding out a high school diploma.

If you haven’t earned your high school diploma yet, you might be asking yourself, “Do I even need a high school diploma? Why is it important?” While the answer is different for everyone, a diploma can definitely help you on your journey to success. From earning potential, career opportunity outlooks, and finding out if you’re eligible to finish high school—here’s what you need to know about getting your high school diploma and what it may mean for you.

How to Decide Which High School Electives to Take?

Written by James Madison High School on Friday, 06 January 2023. Posted in Adult Learner, College Bound, Traditional Students

Girl studying on laptop.

Deciding which high school electives you should take involves knowing what your school offers, what your goals are after high school, and how rigorous you want your courses to be. Electives may seem less important than your core classes, but depending on what you want to do after high school, they can help prepare you for your next move. Here’s why electives are important and how to decide which classes are right for you.

What Is The Difference Between JMHS’s General, College Prep, and Career Pathway Diplomas?

Written by James Madison High School on Friday, 06 January 2023. Posted in Adult Learner, Traditional Students

Person using laptop for school.

Earning your high school diploma can help you prepare for opportunities in the workforce, the military, or college and training programs. Whether you’re a traditional student or an adult learner, online high school could be the best fit for you to reach your goals. Besides being self-paced, allowing you to study when and where you want, James Madison’s online high school diploma program offers several tracks to choose from so you can focus on getting the education you need to start preparing for life after high school. But which diploma option should you choose? What’s the difference between them? Here’s everything you need to know to help you figure out the right fit for you.

Can You Repeat High School

Written by Nicole Dalbo on Friday, 06 January 2023. Posted in Helpful Tips

Teenage girl looking at notebook

Not passing your classes, and wondering what you can do about it? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. There are students all over that are trying to make up their high school classes for one reason or another. Whether it was due to medical leave, absences, non-passing grades, or something else entirely, know that there are options out there for you to get back on track. Whether you’re earning a high school diploma as an adult student or a student of traditional age, discover your options for repeating high school, recovering credits, and everything in between.

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